Sunday, June 10, 2007

Power of Peong

In Trinidad there is a colloquial term used commonly to describe an intense, near obsessive lover of something; that word, my friends is 'Peong'.Now, there are many diferent kinds of Peongs, there are pepper peongs, roti peongs, marble/pitch peongs, they may even be moderated socioeconomic discourse peongs-truly a dying breed-but the peongs I speak of here are what I deem to be the highest tier: Videogame Peongs.

Videogame peongs or just simply game peongs are the pinnacle of gaming committment. they play hard, they play well and they play to win. I myself am one of those peongs but I'm hardly the best, however, the thing that sets me and my peong companions from other casual gamers is the joy I derive from playing the game and emotional attachment I have for said game. You see, it's one thing to be happy about a win; but it's an entirely different thing to prance about the room making obscene cries of raucous laughter while imitating an epileptic fit. THAT IS THE POWER OF PEONG!!!

Whenever we can spare the time several of my people-the peongs that is-meet in a decided location and engage in group peonging or what i like to call a "peong-out". These rituals can go on for several to indefinite hours and are a testament to the power of peong. I think the good people at Tempo can describe it best: "Is a Feelin'. Is a Vibration!". Some of my fondest memories come from peong-outs and it is through peong-outs that I have even made quite a few friends with people whom I would otherwise share no common ground. I can almost see myself as a feeble old man, controller in hand screaming at my deaf friends after executing what I thought was a perfect combo on them only to discover that I had actually missed my mark and was in fact now on the recieving end of some other old geezer's combo which was actually aiming at yet another old coot's character who thought he was playing tetris. But I digress, this "Will of Peong" that lives within my soul and the souls of my compatriots is, I believe, one of the marks of my generation. Gen X had hippies, stoners, anarchists and activists. Gen Y has bloggers, hackers, anarchists (it's still very popular) and peongs.

Let it spread throughout the ages.
Let it fill the skies, swim in the seas and cover the lands.
let the world feel it.